|1-ITS ME!!! A true story from DEAD HEAD/NFA Yes its true i've won the bleedin lottery, here's my story.. It was a usual Saturday, or so I thought. As I got up it seemed just the usual, didn't get up any earlier or later - knackered as usual (I only finish work at about 12:30 am) and so I got up, mouth was dry, got dressed got a glass of water and then went for a pee! (why is it that that always happens? eh?). Anyway I went downstairs and got myself a bowl of Frosties and slapped the telly on....Saturday Aardcrap! useless, missed X-MEN bollocks and Batman on ITV. Tried to find something decent on telly, nothing on. Buggered about for a few hours then had my dinner. Finished off some jiffies and went to post them. Had a look in the newsagent, "what the hell" I said and decided to buy a lottery ticket. Got home and chucked it on the side. Spent the rest of the day doin' some home work (YAWN!!) and generally faffing around. Well the time came 8pm and the draw was about to commence and I sat there grasping my ticket tightly, parms sweating and suddenly THERE THEY WERE!!, I saw them my numbers on the screen staring me in the face!, well I couldn't believe it I ran around the house shouting, but after a while I calmed down. It was about a week later when I recieved the money and I pondered on what to spend the money on, but decided to take it easy to start with adn so me and a couple of mates went for a drink!! And there you have it my own lottery win, Still done know what I'm going to spend the rest of the tenner on! DEAD HEAD/NFA end